Daylight Savings Time

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LFS User: LifeSteala
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Daylight Savings Time

Postby Steala » Wed Sep 30, 2009 2:10 pm

Hey all,
This is just a friendly notice to say that New Zealand is now in Daylight Savings Time (DST) mode. This means we all have moved our clocks 1 hour forward.

It is now now time to enable DST on your forums user account. This change is important so that times are correct when you are browsing LFSNZ forums.

Follow these steps to check/change your DST mode:

1. Browse to our forums:
2. Login to your account.
3. Click 'User Control Panel'
4. Click 'Board Preferences' Tab.
5. Check your timezone - reset it if it is wrong.
6. Enable DST by selecting YES.
7. Submit

If you have any question please make a post on the forum!

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